Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate – courses:

  • Engineering
  • Hospitality
  • Information Technology
  • Nursing
  • Business & Accounting

Popular Bachelor Courses in Australia for International students:


Engineering has been one of the most important industry to make this world innovative and advanced Whether civil, mechanical, telecommunications, computer, agriculture, industrial, petroleum, geology, aerospace, electrical, chemical, biomedical, Australia offers a wide range of engineering courses to help students specialize in their field. It also offers graduate programs that help you take a step towards a successful career.

The highest salaries, the opportunity to be part of a recognized group of professionals and a variety of interesting areas to work, the engineering career has much to offer its future students. It is the perfect field for those who are curious about how things work and are created, since it includes the design, evaluation, development, testing, modification, installation and maintenance of a wide variety of products and systems.

However, when it comes to guaranteeing a successful career in engineering, obtaining a degree is simply a fraction of the journey. With the highly competitive market these days, employers only give preference to those candidates who have traveled and studied due to the experience gained that could be useful in the workforce.


Hospitality is the industry that contributes significantly to the Australian economy. It receives a considerable investment from the government and international business, while attracting entrepreneurs of all levels. From bachelor’s degrees in hospitality to a master’s degree in business administration, Australia offers a wide range of courses in a large number of institutes throughout the country.

These courses have strong ties to the industry and job locations that give students the opportunity to make valuable contacts with the industry, develop key business skills and acquire essential work experience before graduating to ensure a successful career.

Information Technology

Information Technology is one of the most popular course being taught in the world because of economic insecurity these days, securing a career commitment is difficult in any field. However, information technology (IT) is a diverse sector that encompasses various jobs and career opportunities.

In addition, it is easy for an international IT graduate from Australia to find employment as he gains a better understanding of the business context and technical development to meet the challenges of working in the industry through the Professional Year Program.

There are several career options available for graduates in computer science and information technology to choose from. The most common are the programming of databases, information systems or computing, mobile computing, network engineering, software development, artificial intelligence and telecommunications.