Diploma Courses

Vocational Education / Diploma & Trade Courses:

Popular Diploma Courses in Australia for International students

  • Commercial Cookery
  • Automotive Technology
  • Painting & Decoration
  • Building & Construction
  • Carpentry

Commercial Cookery

Cookery is the essence of the hospitality industry, and is an incredibly creative and rewarding occupation.

A career in cookery could take you all over the world with opportunities existing in cafes, casinos and restaurants globally. The possibilities are endless. You could even find yourself trotting the globe with a job on a cruise ship Australia is known for its culinary cultures due to the amalgam of international flavors. It is the second favorite destination after Switzerland to study professional cooking and culinary arts.

Each year, thousands of overseas students choose to follow culinary courses at both graduate and postgraduate levels in Australian universities to obtain hands-on training in some of the best hotels and restaurants.

In addition, a report by Deloitte Access Economics predicted that more than 38,000 chefs are currently needed throughout Australia. This has forced some of Australia’s largest hospitality groups to spend valuable time, money and resources in hiring suitable employees overseas.

Automotive Technology

The automobile is a technology that has changed society dramatically over the last century. But not only society changed, the technology of the motorcar itself has changed significantly:

Studying the technology of the motorcar raises a number of different opportunities in Australia and the entire globe. Students studying such course in Australia has bright future and numerous opportunities to make their career bright.

However Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. When teachers effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.

Painting & Decoration

As a painter or decorator you may work on internal or external building, both residential and commercial. Such courses allow you to develop the practical skills and knowledge is much important to become a certified painter or decorator.

This qualification provides a trade outcome in painting and decorating for Apprentice progression is tracked through the apprentice’s individual training plan. The qualification has compulsory requirements that cover common skills for the construction industry, as well as two specialist fields of work.

To become a painter and decorator you usually have to complete an apprenticeship in painting and decorating. Entry requirements may vary but most of the institutions in Australia require years 12 education and IELTS overall 5.5 with no band less than 5.0 .

Building & Construction

Construction management students take general education courses in math, science, and business, as well as construction-specific courses such as construction systems, building technology, structures, materials and methods of constructing, estimating, scheduling, safety, project management, and construction law.

The Building and Construction course, also called Building technology course trains students in constructing, deconstructing, reconstructing, renovating, altering, demolishing and maintaining or repairing building and construction works.